Let’s face it. If we don’t want to do something, we won’t. Whether it’s not fun, costs money, or it’s too hard; we are the first to find a way to get out of something we are just not looking forward to doing. But why do we use excuses to avoid something that is potentially good for us? When do excuses become the more important part of a positive outcome?
I can’t tell you how much effort I have seen people use to convince me that they are unable to adopt healthier habits. Really, it’s quite impressive. (No, this is not where I publish all of the excuses and the people who used that, although that does sound like fun!) Listen. Everyone has limitations. Everyone. Some may have physical reasons. Others may have time constraints. But at the end of the day, if the excuses you are using become the focal point and are robbing you from enjoying life, it becomes a problem. When you are faced with something that you must do that doesn’t sound fun, costs some money you would rather spend on something different, or is just plain hard, instead of trying to avoid it, what if we just ran at it? What would it look like once we charged over the challenging hill and saw what life looked like from the other side? What if we actually felt better about ourselves? Trust me, taking new steps towards the unknown can be really intimidating. All of us are uncomfortable at times when we are faced with changing what is comfortable. All of us. But the only way to make uncomfortable become comfortable, is by doing it – over and over again. Learn to despise your excuses that rob you of changing what comes easy to you. No one ever promised this journey was going to be easy. Instead, take a deep breath; take some time to wrap your thoughts around your challenge; grab someone you trust to be your guide; but then walk…no RUN towards it! Charge into it! No matter what the outcome, you will be bigger, better, and stronger for it. At the end of this journey, no one will want to celebrate your excuses – they will want to celebrate your strengths! Published BY: Merianne Colletti, ACSM CPT, GFI, NS [email protected]
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March 2023