We are Family Start light, with each section of song, level up. 8, 9, 10-11 RPM: 55 TURN TO WORKING RESISTANCE Inhabit By: Leeland Drive seated 55 rpms at 10-11. During build, speed to RUN (80-100rpm), STAND on Chorus. Sit Down and level up 1each music frame. RPM: 64-128 ADD SPEED TO RESISTANCE Turn Me On By: David Guetta Lower Level to 7-10 Start 70 rpms, Go to 100 rpms during build, Full Sprint at 128 rpms for Chorus REPEAT, leveling up each music frame. RPM: 70 CADENCE All You Need To Know By: Gryffin & Slander (feat. Calle Lehmann) 50% Resistence (Level 10-14) STAND on Chorus driving 70rpm. Keep Rpms at 70 entire song, leveling up as you can. RPM: 64-128 CLIMB + SPEED INTERVALS Hey Brother By: Avicii Leave resistance you had for end of previous song. Start STANDING at 64 rpms, @ Build, SIT DOWN & push a run DO NOT LOWER YOUR LEVEL. It's going to be hard! RPM: 60-120 SPEED + MED RESISTANCE Take Me Home By: Phil Collins Lower resistance to about 40% (Level about 10-11) SEATED RUN @ 70-90 RPMs. On Chorus, RUN OUT OF SADDLE. RPM: 68-132 SPRINT! Get Ready To Bounce By: Brooklyn Bounce SEATED SPEED. Lighten up level, hold higher rpms (100-130). Push super fast for 30 sec chorus, 3 times through song It’s okay to bounce on seat because level is light if you can keep your fast going! Train those fast twitch muscles! RPM: 44 CLIMB Together By: for King & Country Catch breath first. HEAVY UP Resistance. You are only riding at 44RPM all song. Drive this climb with as much resistance as you can stand at this speed. RPM: 64-128 SPRINT! Hit the Flow By: Landis Seated Sprint!!! Have a seat and lighten resistance. Sprint to 128, if even just for 1 second! RPM: 38-76 CLIMB Brother By: Need to Breathe CLIMB out of saddle, Drive the chorus! Resistance enough to have clean circles on pedal rotation always! PULL UP don't push down all the time. Find power from muscles that work when you pull up pedals. Takes some thinking. RPM: 56-112 SPEED + MED RESISTANCE Forever on Your Side By: Need To Breathe Start seated around 80-100 rpms with medium resistance (about 10-11). On chorus, keep running speed, stay low and come out of saddle! BURN BABY! COOL DOWN Family By: TobyMac Cool it down. Take the time to do so. Hearts like gentle cool downs. Make sure to stretch with opening movements. You have been hunched over on a bike for 45 minutes!
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March 2023