"Hate Going To The Gym? Then Just Do These 10 Moves."
"Lose 10 Pounds in Your First 10 Days." "8 Minute Abs." "15 Minute Cardio Workout That Will Get You Results!" Fitness Articles. Chances are, we all have either seen one of these headlines or read an article that reads similar to these. But what is this really doing to our wellness culture? We need to talk about this because it is articles like these that have made us soft in more ways then the obvious. So what do we really think when we read these articles? I believe articles like these are beginning to break down the very foundation of our health and wellness. When headlines like these are promoted, we begin to believe that there is maximum success in doing the minimum, creating a lazier approach to moving, feeding and caring for our bodies. But should we really be surprised when we adopt such articles and not see the results we were hoping for? Did we really think we only needed to do abs for 8 minutes to transform our entire bodies from overweight and sluggish to slender and speedy? The catch is this. All of this information is wonderful and in most cases, partially truthful. However, unlike today's expedited shipping, instant news feeds, and immediate communication, wellness takes time, patience and continued repetition. My dear friends, listen. If these articles motivate you to move towards a better, more energetic lifestyle, then by all means, read them. Talk about them to friends and even adopt them in your life. However, if it promises too easy to be true, chances are...well, you know the rest. We need to eat cleaner, exercise daily, reduce the toxins around us and in us, and we need to dedicate time to regular sleep today, tomorrow, and the next day, and... The good news is there are many ways to make this easy-"ER." Dare I even say, "enjoyable?" As a fitness professional, I never want to convince you that maintaining a healthy, well-balanced, stress-free life was easy. If it were, I would be unemployed. I realize there are days that make this work more difficult. We all have them. But isn't it great to know you have resources to make the more difficult days a little more bearable? But being our best, most well trained selves is oh so worth it! Everyone has a desire to feel better, to have more energy and maintain a reasonable weight. Everyone would love to save the money they are spending on medications and therapy to spend it on more enjoyable things. Everyone wants to live life to their fullest, make positive memories, and have plenty of energy to do so. Being real about the effort it takes to be on this journey makes it much more obtainable, and kind of fun! Published wth Care By: Merianne C. Colletti, ACSM CPT, GFI, NS [email protected] 248-421-1241
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March 2023